Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blog #3: Insights & Obstacles

Reflect on both of the prompts below. In addition, to receive full credit for Blog #3, you must read your peers' postings, then select and make comments on at least three (3) of their postings.

Due: Thursday, August 13, 2009

1. Identify at least two insights you have gained about college and/or yourself over the past five weeks of Summer Bridge. These insights could come from the classroom, student development, interactions with peers/staff/faculty, your living situation, etc. How did you arrive at these insights?

2. Based on your college experience thus far, what do you believe will be two (or more) of your greatest challenges or obstacles to staying in college, doing well, and graduating? Thinking about your strengths and resources (Resources includes people), what specific ideas do you have for proactively addressing or overcoming these obstacles? (Everyone faces some challenges during their college journey, so "none" is not an acceptable answer.)

Blog #2

Blog #2 was cancelled. Give yourself a "free" 25 points.